Learning from the Past – Work with places of memory

EUTIS, o.p.s. in cooperation with Political Prisoners.eu and BBAG (Potsdam) are preparing a new educational project focused on methods of transferring knowledge about modern history. Thanks to the project supported by the Erasmus+ programme, we will train a group of Czech and German youth workers and civic education or history teachers in effective and attractive methods in teaching about the tragic events of the 20th century and the circumstances that led to the creation of totalitarian regimes. The project will consist of two international seminars. First was held in Potsdam (1. 4. – 6. 4. 2019) and second will take place in Boží Dar and Jáchymov (27. 9. – 2. 10. 2019). Under the guidance of experienced experts, participants from the Czech Republic and Germany will be able to gain hands-on experience with specific methods of working with youth directly in places of memory. They will discuss and share insights from their own practice, thus improving their competencies and gaining new inspiration for their own educational activities. In addition, the participants will take part in the creation of an innovative handbook – a guide to teaching about places of memory associated with the totalitarian past. It will be available both in print and on-line in Czech, German and English to the project participants as well as other youth workers and the broad public.
Participants are both experienced and less experienced German and Czech high school teachers of civic education and history interested in non-formal education methods and youth workers focused on teaching about modern history of the Czech Republic and Germany.
Programme of both seminars is focused on introduction of effective and attractive methods of teaching about the tragic events of the 20th century and the emergence of totalitarian regimes used in work with students and young people.
The programme of first seminar (1. – 6. 4. 2019, Potsdam) included visits of following places:
- Gedenkstätte Hohenschönhausen (Berlin), Glienicker Brücke, Tränenpalast (Berlin), Gedenkstätte Lindenstraße (Potsdam), Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg), Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte Leistikowstraße (Potsdam)
Detailed programme of first seminar.
The programme of second seminar (27. 9. – 2. 10. 2019, Jáchymov and Boží Dar) includes:
- Examples of specific methods of working with youth directly at places of memory
associated with the Communist regimes (eg the national cultural monument Red
Tower of Death, the former labour camps around the uranium mines near Jáchymov
and others); Expert workshops dedicated to the adoption of new methods of working with youth;
Working groups dedicated to sharing experience from practice in Germany and the
Czech Republic; Meeting with witnesses while using the oral history method.
Detailed programme of second seminar (updated on 25. 09. 2019)
Contact: Kateřina Šustrová and Michael Murad: akce@eutis.cz
News about the project:
Preparatory meeting for the ‘Learning from the Past’ project
The first seminar of the “Learning from the Past” project successfully concluded!
Preparation of the second seminar of the project “Learning from the Past” is in full swing
Gallery from the first seminar, Potsdam, 1. – 6. 4. 2019